
I am Vipin Rathnakumaran. I live in Kerala, India. I started this website in 2020 to share research I found interesting with friends and colleagues. I have a master’s degree in Environmental Science and worked briefly as a researcher in animal behaviour, before becoming a full-time science blogger and freelance writer.


Are you tired of articles like these? Do you care about sample size, design of experiment, and reproducibility? You’ve come to the right place. Research reported here is curated from peer-reviewed journals only.

News articles on this site are summaries of latest research made more accessible, especially for the non-scientist. All articles include a link to the paper itself or a preprint.

I strive to honestly and accurately communicate findings of research in Biology, Psychology, Behavioural Sciences and Anthropology. Sapienjournal.org only features research published in reputed journals. However, keep in mind that I cannot vouch for the accuracy of findings of studies or methodologies used therein.

If you find errors in reporting, feel welcome to contact me. This is highly appreciated. However, if you have reservations about aspects of studies themselves (conclusions, methodologies, quality of data etc.), please contact the journal that published the study or author(s) directly.

Illustrations on the website are made by me, sometimes with a lot of help from undraw.co. Want an exciting new study featured here? Email me at the address given below.



Happy reading!